DISCLAIMER:  Any unofficial case summaries below are prepared by the clerk's office
                        as a courtesy to the reader. They are not part of the opinion of the court.

061910P.pdf   05/04/2007  United States  v.  Reyes Olivera-Mendez
   U.S. Court of Appeals Case No:  06-1910
   U.S. District Court for the District of South Dakota   
   [PUBLISHED] [Colloton, Author, with Bye and Benton, Circuit
Criminal Case - suppression. Following traffic stop and fifteen-minute detention, officers compounded car and conducted a 4 hour search, which found 15 kilograms of cocaine in hidden compartment. Denial of motion to suppress is affirmed, as detention was not unreasonably long; asking brief questions lasting 25 seconds related to possible drug trafficking did not effect unreasonable seizure or contribute to the discovery of the cocaine. The canine sniff was not a search and district court's finding that dog's alert was reliable was not clearly erroneous and provided probable cause to search the interior.