DISCLAIMER:  Any unofficial case summaries below are prepared by the clerk's office
                        as a courtesy to the reader. They are not part of the opinion of the court.

111367P.pdf   12/22/2011  Jennifer Johnson  v.  Joe Phillips
   U.S. Court of Appeals Case No:  11-1367
   U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri - St. Louis   
   [PUBLISHED] [Colloton, Author, with Riley, Chief Judge, and
   Gruender, Circuit Judge]
Civil case - Civil rights. District court properly denied defendant's motion for summary judgment based on qualified immunity on plaintiff's claim defendant lacked reasonable suspicion to detain her through a traffic stop; district court should have dismissed plaintiff's claim that defendant unlawfully arrested her as plaintiff admitted to defendant she had an outstanding warrant and that admission created probable cause; defendant was not entitled to qualified immunity on plaintiff's claim that defendant illegally searched her car without probable cause; nor was defendant entitled to qualified immunity on the claim that he violated plaintiff's due process right to bodily integrity during incident as defendant was acting under color of state law at the time of his actions and any reasonable officer would have known his conduct (which led to his criminal conviction for violating plaintiff's civil rights) violated clearly established law.