DISCLAIMER:  Any unofficial case summaries below are prepared by the clerk's office
                        as a courtesy to the reader. They are not part of the opinion of the court.

122566P.pdf   08/08/2014  Aaron Anderson, Jr.  v.  United States
   U.S. Court of Appeals Case No:  12-2566
   U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa - Des Moines   
[PUBLISHED] [Colloton, Author, with Smith and Gruender, Circuit Judges] Habeas Case - motion to vacate. On claim of ineffective assistance of counsel for failing to file a motion to suppress and move for a hearing pursuant to Franks v. Delaware based on officer's false affidavit that trash cans were located at the curb, counsel was not deficient for declining to file a Franks motion because counsel could have reasonably conclude that evidence showing that the trash was not at the curb would meet Franks threshold. Even if trash cans were located within the curtilage, Anderson did not allege the cans were inaccessible to members of the public and thus there is no reasonable expectation of privacy; counsel is not ineffective for failing to pursue a motion to suppress that he reasonably believes would be futile. District court did not abuse its discretion in denying motion to alter the judgment or reopen the judgment because the evidence could have been offered earlier.