DISCLAIMER:  Any unofficial case summaries below are prepared by the clerk's office
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141780P.pdf   06/02/2015  United States  v.  Deborah Mae Carlson
   U.S. Court of Appeals Case No:  14-1780
   U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota - St. Paul   
[PUBLISHED] [Kelly, Author, with Loken and Bright, Circuit Judges] Criminal case - Criminal law. Evidence was sufficient to support defendant's convictions for mailing threatening and extortionate communications; 18 U.S.C. Sec 876 requires the intent to extort from a natural person, a fact which must be determined by a jury in order to reach a conviction; the district court erred when it gave a jury instruction that removed this question from the jury and reduced the element in three counts to a presumption that would be satisfied so long as the jury found defendant had sent a letter to each of the named corporate or business entities; however, the error was harmless since two of the letters had been addressed to the managers of the stores and no reasonable jury could conclude that the store managers for a Target store and an auto dealer were not persons within the meaning of the statute; however, the third letter and third count involved a letter simply sent to a business and the conviction on this count must be vacated and remanded for further proceedings. Judge Loken, concurring in part and dissenting in part.